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Catalogue No Partner Description Species Application
CK04-05 Dojindo EU GmbH Cell Counting Kit-8
CK04-11 Dojindo EU GmbH Cell Counting Kit-8
CK04-13 Dojindo EU GmbH Cell Counting Kit-8
CK04-20 Dojindo EU GmbH Cell Counting Kit-8
CK12-01 Dojindo EU GmbH Cytotoxicity LDH Assay Kit-WST
CK12-05 Dojindo EU GmbH Cytotoxicity LDH Assay Kit-WST
CK12-20 Dojindo EU GmbH Cytotoxicity LDH Assay Kit-WST
L261-10 Dojindo EU GmbH LysoPrime Green - High Specificity and pH Resistance, 10uL
L261-12 Dojindo EU GmbH LysoPrime Green - High Specificity and pH Resistance
L264-10 Dojindo EU GmbH LysoPrime Deep Red - High Specificity and pH Resistance
L264-12 Dojindo EU GmbH LysoPrime Deep Red - High Specificity and pH Resistance
M012-08 Dojindo EU GmbH MX (1:250 mixture of Murexide and potassium sulfate)
SG03-10 Dojindo EU GmbH Cellular Senescence Detection Kit - SPiDER-betaGal
C555-10 Dojindo EU GmbH Dead Cell Makeup Blue - Higher Retention than PI [CAS -]
C556-10 Dojindo EU GmbH Dead Cell Makeup Deep Red - Higher Retention than PI [CAS -]
E297-10 Dojindo EU GmbH Extracellular OCR Plate Assay Kit [CAS -]
G272-10 Dojindo EU GmbH Glycolysis/JC-1 MitoMP Assay Kit [CAS -]
L267-10 Dojindo EU GmbH Lipid Peroxidation Probe -BDP 581/591 C11- [CAS -]
L268-10 Dojindo EU GmbH Lysosomal Acidic pH Detection Kit-Green/Deep Red [CAS -]
LL01-10 Dojindo EU GmbH LLPS Starter Kit [CAS -]
LL02-10 Dojindo EU GmbH LLPS Forming Condition Screening Kit [CAS -]
MT16-10 Dojindo EU GmbH MitoBright ROS Deep Red - Mitochondrial Superoxide Detection [CAS -]
MT16-12 Dojindo EU GmbH MitoBright ROS Deep Red - Mitochondrial Superoxide Detection [CAS -]
SG07-10 Dojindo EU GmbH Cellular Senescence Detection Kit - SPiDER Blue [CAS -]